Taylor Swift & John Mayer And More: The 8 Nastiest Feuding Exes

Listen People WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING? This is life, control your own, this article is STUPID. Tell Me How many country (crying in your beer) songs would be written if it wasn't for break up and everything else wrong in our lives. How did these gripes get started BY THE MEDIA? Don't you have enough to worry about in your own live NOW YOU WANT TO TELL STARS HOW TO LIVE THEIR LIVES? You are a expert now. You want to hate Stars for their break up and won't watch them or listen to them any more....HOW DUMB IS THAT? Do you want them to run a vote on what they should do next? Is that it. YOU want to pick their mates, their clothes, their cars, every thing in their lives, you honestly think you deserve that power.? So your mad at this guy for his breaku YOU TRASH HIM, REFUSE TO BUY IS MUSIC, SHE MADE A BUNDLE OFF THAT SONG, IS THAT WRONG? I DON'T BELIEVE SHE WANTED TO DESTORY THE GUY. She wrote a SAD SONG like country singers do and it was a hit. YOU PEOPLE HAVE ALLOWED YOURSELVES TO BE USED BY THE MEDIA TO SELL ADS AND STORIES SO THEY CAN BECOME SUPER RICH. Don't you feel USED and Abused, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES. All this is true and you know it, are you smart enough to understand it and see the harm your doing?