Taylor Swift Inspired to Write Song About the Kennedys
In addition to writing kiss-and-tell songs about her bad romances, has also penned lyrics which tell about the Kennedys. The country/pop music singer was inspired to write song about the iconic American family after reading a lot of books about them, so Rory Kennedy told ABC News.
"She really just loves my mother which is so sweet," Rory gushed. "I'm a huge fan of hers, I have young girls and we had been to a few of her concerts. I met with her at one of them and she had read a ton of books about our family. She was inspired and wrote a song."
Rory recently invited Taylor to of her movie "Ethel" at the Sundance Film Festival. Upon arriving at the Park City in Utah, the singer was embraced by Ethel Kennedy. She came to the event, which was attended by a total of 23 Kennedy members, in a cream-colored coat and a pair of boots.
Talking about her love for the wife of Robert Kennedy, Taylor told Vogue for its February issue, "The only time in my life I have ever been starstruck was meeting Caroline and Ethel Kennedy. I got to spend the afternoon with Ethel a couple of weeks ago."
She added, "She is one of my favorites, because you look back at the pictures of her and B! obby, an d they always look like they are having the most fun out of everybody. You know, 11 kids, all these exotic animals on their property. I've read a lot about them."