Taylor Swift signs 'love of her life' Diet Coke deal, anything to do with hunk Andrew Cooper?

We can't help thinking that it's no coincidence that Taylor Swift revealed she's signed for Diet Coke on the very same day that their new hottie Andrew Cooper got us drooling at our desks.

The American star told fans she'd signed a brand new deal with the drinks brand - just hours after the new Diet Coke Break fittie was revealed.

We like your style Tay-Swiz.

The singer posted a video on her website explaining that the fizzy pop was one of the LOVES of her life (we wonder if that list includes One Direction's Harry Styles or not).

She said: "We're going to be official with one of the loves of my life, Diet Coke. We've been in conversations about this partnership.

"It's going to include so many fun things, having to do with the tour, having to do with Diet! Coke in general. Behind the scenes of a commercial shoot.

"I really can't wait to begin all this and I think it's going to be an extraordinary ride"

Meanwhile the brand new Diet Coke hunk was revealed yesterday to be 32-year-old Mancunian Andrew Cooper.

The former 90s singer is seen lawnmowing in the new ad as a group of young women sit and watch him in the park.

One of the girls cleverly rolls a can of Diet Coke down a hill which stops the Diet Coke hunk in his tracks.

And when the can sprays all over his T-shirt, the ladies get rewarding with the classic shirt-stripped-off moment as he exposes his rather ripped body.

Meanwhile Taylor Swift has been having some girl time following her split with Harry Styles.

The 23-year-old, who is rumoured to be gearing up for a big reunion with Hazza for his birthday this week, spent some fun time with True Grit star Hailee Steinfeld in Paris.[Related story: Lawson: Taylor Swift is a huge fan of ours - EXCLUSIVE]

[Related story: Diet Coke hunk revealed to be British model][Related story: Diet Coke hunk makes a comeback]

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