Taylor Swift topless photo row
Denies being in topless photo ... Singer Taylor Swift has sent a legal warningletter to a website showing the topless image. (Photo: Royce DeGrie/Getty Images) Source: Getty Images
Singer Taylor Swift, who is touring Australia next year, claims it is not her in a "leaked" nude photograph, website TMZ reported.
The 21-year-old Swift, who has sold more than 20 million albums worldwide and was named Billboard's "Woman of the Year" this month, is threatening to sue the website, Celebrity Jihad.
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The photo in question features a topless woman who bears a resemblance to Swift under the headline, "Taylor Swift Topless Private Pic Leaked?"! p>
Swi ft's lawyers have fired over a letter to the site demanding it take down the post immediately or else she'll sue for trademark infringement.
In the letter, Swift's legal advisers says the site contains, "false pornographic images and false news" about the singer.