OFFSTAGE: Miranda Lambert Thanks Taylor Swift in W
Miranda Lambert
Taylor Swift pulls people in. But according to Miranda Lambert, not just into her own music, but into all of country music. That's what she says in the new June issue of W magazine. "When she hit, I was thinking, 'Thank God, Taylor's out there to show people we're not cheesy' I thought if they're looking for Taylor's videos or songs, they might see or hear other people they like," she said. "If her fans are watching for her, they might like me, too." She's right. And I think it works both ways. People who are falling for Lambert's music might also discover they like Swift's. As a rule, country fans have very open minds about all kinds of country. The story is also worth checking out for the scenes from the photo shoot. Lambert is dolled-up to look a little bit like Adele, Carly Simon, Brigitte Bardot and more. The heavy black eyeliner and a very pale nude lip show a retro side of Lambert I've never seen before.