Taylor Swift Reaches Out to Family of Fallen Marine
In response to a Marine's request, artist Taylor Swift made a personal phone call and sent flowers to the family of Sgt. Wade Wilson. Wilson, a native of Leona passed away overseas during combat in Afghanistan on May 11, 2012.
Taylor Swift reportedly told the family that she wants to wear Sgt. Wilson's dog tags in her next video to show her support for his military service.
"I was with Wade his first deployment to Afghanistan, said Corporal Josh Marreel, who is making sure his friend and fellow marine wont be forgotten.
"A lot of guys are flying in and driving from pretty much anywhere. We've got guys from North Carolina driving over, said Cpl. Marreel.
Marreel and others are using social media to spread the word about Sgt. Wilson's death. While his friends were trying to come up with a good way to honor Wilson they remembered his love for a certain country music star."
From Youtube video: This is a shout out to the one and only Taylor Swift. I know you have no idea who I am but this video isn't about me. This is about good buddy, Sgt. Wade D. Wilson, who was killed in action Friday, May 11, 2012 in Afghanistan. Anybody that knew Willy knew that he worshiped you. He even slept with a post of you in between our beds in Afghanistan."
Marrell and other marines even made a video on Youtube inviting Taylor Swift to Sgt. Wilson's funeral because he was such a huge fan of Swift.
A big thing would be a video r! esponse or even just a letter to his parents saying you know how she supported what he did, said Marreel.