OFFSTAGE: Taylor Swift: "Being Single Is What I Do"
Taylor Swift
One thing Taylor Swift has learned -- both through life and the Alanis Morissette song "You Learn" -- is that the biggest mistakes she will inevitably make will turn her into who she'll be at 30. I learned that from this book I'm reading, Thirty Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30. Swift's chapter is titled "What 30 Means to Me: Having No Deadlines for Love or Anything Else." (I realize that I'm reading this book about a decade too late, but in my heart, I'm still a 29-year-old girl just trying to make the most of my 30s.) Swift says she has been thinking about turning 30, 40 and even 50 since she was 10. "I've always wondered what I'll feel like at those ages, and I'll spend a lot of time daydreaming about the future," she says. Then she talks about her fiddle player, Caitlin Evanson, who is 32 and a "carefree little hippie." Swift also shares her opinions on boys and love, but she admits "being single is what I do, and falling in love is the exception." But love will eventually come, she knows, and her vague, pretty, blurry daydreams of that life at 30 include having kids, dressed in princess costumes and Spider-Man suits.