Is Taylor Swifts New Hunger Games Song As Good As Safe & Sound?
Taylor Swift is, one could argue, the voice of a generation. Shes also the voice of a bloody teenage dystopian battle ryoale, now that shes added her spooky, hopefully voice to the Hunger Games soundtrack. And we do not see how anyone could possibly argue about that. Now that youve heard Swifts Eyes Open (and if you havent, take a listen here), how do you think it compares to Taylors previously released soundtrack song, the eerie, ethereal Safe & Sound? Both of them strike the exact uneasy tone we imagine would go perfectly with Katnisss mental state. Both songs also make us want to spend a few hours quietly writing in our journalsbefore we have run screaming away from a swarm of mutant wasps.
On the other hand, with lyrics like In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords/ But now weve stepped into a cruel world/ Where everybody stands to keep score, the video for Eyes Open is probably going to be even sweeter than the Safe & Sound video. If it features Taylor Swift engaged in deadly combat, well thencontest over. So which of the two song do you prefer, if you had to choose? Unlike The Hunger Games themselves, there can always be more than one winner
[Ph! oto: Get ty Images]
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