Taylor Swift Asks Teen Leukemia Patient to be Her AMC Awards Date

Courtesy Daily Caller

Courtesy Daily Caller

KANSAS CITY, Mo. Taylor Swift turned 18-year-old Kevin McGuire down when he asked her to be his date for the prom.

Swift is apparently busy that night.

However, the songstress was quick to not let McGuire suffer the rejection for too long. She asked him to be her date to the AMC Awards on April 1 in Las Vegas.

He said yes.

The two connected on Facebook. McGuire, with the help of his sister, started a Facebook campaign that grew to 90,000 followers. It was their hope and mission to get Swift to be McGuires date to the prom. Little did they know their efforts would turn out quite like this.

Having fought lymphoblastic leukemia since he was 13, McGuire recently suffered a relapse. And according to his sister, Nothing, I mean, NOTHING, brightens Kevins day more than Swift.

Disappointed that Swift turned him down for the prom? Hardly.

The AMC Awards is a lot better than the senior prom, McGuire said.

And if we know Taylor, shes likely to write a song about the teen known by his friends as The Real Superman.